Fetal and Infant Mortality Review

About FIMR
FIMR, an initiative of the American College ofObstetricians-Gynecologists, is designed to develop strategies that improve perinatal systems of care both locally and statewide.
It is anticipated that this knowledge will empower communities to enhance service, influence policy, and direct planning efforts that will ultimately lower mortality rates.
- A strategy to close the gap in health disparities at the community level;
- A timely and valuable source of information about changing health care systems and how they affect real families trying to access them;
- A project that can represent all ethnic and cultural views in the community;
- A strategy that improves communication among health and human service providers;
- A form of continuous quality improvement that allows communities to assess the performance of systems and the impact of changes in those systems;
- A voice for local families who have lost their baby;
- A tool that helps local health officials implement policies to safeguard families; and,
- A program endorsed by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation and the federal Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
FIMR is composed of two groups,

Case Review Team (CRT)
CRT is a multi-disciplinary team of professionals that uses unidentified/patient blinded abstracted information to review the death of an infant or fetal in the tri-county area.

Community Action Group (CAG).
CAG is a diverse group of community leaders who review recommendations from the CRT, assess their importance, and design, develop, and implement strategies for change to assure that mothers and infants receive high-quality health care.
Tonya Akwetey at takwetey@healthystarthhp.org.
FY 23-24 Hardee CAG Schedule
FY 23-24 Highlands CAG Schedule
FY 23-24 Polk CAG Schedule
FY 23-24 FIMR CRT Schedule

Postings of new research, updates about state and local CDR/FIMR programs, conference information and much more is available on their webiste and social media pages.
We encourage you to join National CFRP in making their social media pages a vibrant community where we can share information and celebrate successes.